Getting started

This chapter helps you get started with (online) teaching. It will focus on topics like terminology (the differences between online, blended, and hybrid teaching) and how to prepare your course. However, it will also discuss some more general items, like how to add a moderator, supervising your students, as well as how to make sure your teaching is inclusive. All in all, a very broad and general chapter with a lot of different topics to keep in mind before your course starts.


To request moderation support, you can use this form in the ISSC Helpdesk. Please request the moderation support multiple days in advance.

For more didactical information about adding a moderator to your online class, please visit this page on the website.

You can get custom support. For example, through your faculty support staff or the helpdesk. Checkout this overview to find out where to go.

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The Centre for Innovation (CFI) is in charge of content management on this website and collaborates closely with several other teams such as the Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching (ICLON), support staff at faculties, the Functional Application Management Department and the ICT Shared Service Centre (ISSC) in the process of ensuring the right content is included and up to date.

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