How can we help you?


An overview of the different educational tools available at Leiden University


You can get custom support. For example, through your faculty support staff or the helpdesk. Checkout this overview to find out where to go.

You can find the technical tool manuals about Kaltura Live Room here, for Zoom here, and for Microsoft Teams here.

Teachers can request support from student assistants to set up equipment and start up the video platform for hybrid and online teaching. Complete this form from the ISSC Helpdesk to request it.

Requesting support for recording lectures (weblectures)

Requesting the recording of your lecture is done via your faculty's video and weblecture coordinator. Click here for the contact details of your faculty's video and weblecture coordinator.

To request a webcam (with microphone), you can use this form in the ISSC Helpdesk. You pick up the equipment from the service desk before the lecture begins.

For more advice about the use of audiovisual equipment during lectures and presentations, you can contact your faculty's audiovisual service (AV service). If you need advice or support in recording and distributing lectures and videos, please contact your faculty's video coordinator.

see all FAQ
Teaching Support

This website provides information and support for Leiden University teachers and staff involved in hybrid teaching. It includes articles about the transition to hybrid and online teaching, an overview of the available educational tools, inspiring learning strategies, didactical advice, FAQs, an overview of the available support at your faculty, and possible training and workshops to follow. The information is updated regularly.