Since the launch of ChatGPT at the end of 2022, several knowledge-sharing documents and articles have been produced within Leiden University and outside. Below we collect a list of useful resources for teachers. Do you have additions to the list? Please contact
Training Sessions
- Training - Introductie AI in het Hoger Onderwijs - Feb 23 - By BB Veiligheidszaken
Leiden University's own Security Affairs department (Veiligheidszaken, part of the Bestuursbureau) provided a training on how to effectively use ChatGPT, and what to consider in terms of risks. The “promptgids” combines testing of ChatGPT with information on risks and opportunities.
Articles and blogs
- What ChatGPT is teaching us about the future of AI in education
A blog post by LLInC on how to deal with ChatGPT in education in the short and long term, also inviting you to familiarize yourself actively with the use of ChatGPT - Explore ChatGPT’s potential for higher ED: Try our hands-on exercise
An article guiding you through a set of exercises and reflection on the use of ChatGPT - Collegecolumn: ChatGPT, een bedreiging of een kans?
Column bij Hester Bijl on the risks and opportunities of ChatGPT - ChatGPT: leestips en tools
A list of articles and tools. Created by the Humanities Faculty (FGW). - [External] ChatGPT – verzameling bronnen (in Dutch)
A collection of resources by SURF.
Videos and podcasts
- Podcast - ChatGPT in Higher Education: a curse, a blessing or an inevitability?
A podcast where Michiel Musterd, manager Data, AI & Media at LLInC, interviews Martin Compton from UCL and Ludo Juurlink from Leiden University on ChatGPT and the impact it has had on their universities - What is ChatGPT - Masha Medvedeva
Masha is Assistant Professor in Legal Technologies at eLaw – Center for Law and Digital Technologies within Leiden University - Kan AI een originele hit schrijven? - Maarten Lamers (in Dutch)
Maarten is Assistant Professor in Media Technology at the LIACS institute within Leiden University - [External]
Event recording of a HvA knowledge session on ChatGPT (in Dutch)
- Jurjen Helmus (part of HvA Centre of Expertise for Applied AI, host of Dataloog podcast) – How to practically work with ChatGPT
- Pascal Wiggers (lector at Responsible AI lab) – How does ChatGPT work?
- Zahier Madhar (security engineer at CheckPoint) – How to work with it and try to detect it
- Panel discussion
- [External] NRC Onbehaarde Apen – De volgende Einstein kan een computer zijn (in Dutch)
Discussion with Bennie Mols and Sjoerd de Jong about AI, in particular ChatGPT