A Mediasite weblecture is an audiovisual recording of a lecture that is made available afterwards, for example on Brightspace. A weblecture recording consists of video and/or audio of the speaker and an image of what is projected in class (PowerPoint, Prezi, videos, etc.). Besides weblecture recordings, Mediasite allows lectures to be livestreamed (with a 30-60 seconds delay) for at home viewing or in another classroom. It’s possible to add a moderated Q&A to Mediasite livestreams. If this option is enabled, students can send in questions that only a moderator or teacher can view.
Mediasite weblectures and livestreams can only be scheduled in lecture halls with fixed Mediasite equipment. It is therefore not necessary to install a video kit (or "koffertje"). The scheduling needs to be done in advance by the weblecture coordinator at your faculty. Contact your faculty support for more information.
License available to: Whole Leiden University