
Mediasite is a platform for recording weblectures and hosting livestreams with limited interaction.
  • Video
The Mediasite interface
The Mediasite interface

A Mediasite weblecture is an audiovisual recording of a lecture that is made available afterwards, for example on Brightspace. A weblecture recording consists of video and/or audio of the speaker and an image of what is projected in class (PowerPoint, Prezi, videos, etc.). Besides weblecture recordings, Mediasite allows lectures to be livestreamed (with a 30-60 seconds delay) for at home viewing or in another classroom. It’s possible to add a moderated Q&A to Mediasite livestreams. If this option is enabled, students can send in questions that only a moderator or teacher can view.

Mediasite weblectures and livestreams can only be scheduled in lecture halls with fixed Mediasite equipment. It is therefore not necessary to install a video kit (or "koffertje"). The scheduling needs to be done in advance by the weblecture coordinator at your faculty. Contact your faculty support for more information.

License available to: Whole Leiden University

Manuals and links

Instructions for using Mediasite recorders

Leiden University manual for teachers about creating video recordings of lectures with Mediasite

Manual Mediasite

Manual by FGGA on the staff website

Weblectures at Leiden University

Information on weblectures on the staff website

How to moderate a Mediasite Q&A?

Leiden University manual for moderators

How to use the Mediasite Q&A as a student?

Leiden University manual for students